16 June 2011

"It's easier to move rivers and mountains than it is to change...

a person's basic nature" 

If only this unknown author knew how right he/she was. I've been attempting to change my habits for almost four monthes and all I have honestly been able to do is become more aware of how unhealthy my decisions have been for my body and mind. As of now, I believe I am essentially back to square one. In this last week alone, I have gained back at least 4 pounds of the 15 I managed to lose since March. I've taken back to drinking soda more regularly and taking in fast food. It's like I hurt myself, and I fall for my comfort foods, plus with a hurting back, a person really doesn't feel like cooking. However, my back is feeling much better and from this point on, I plan to learn from the mistakes I've made here recently. I have seen such a quick change in how I feel about my body, it scares me. Like, I can now distinguish the difference between how I feel when I eat poorly (usually emotionally based eating) and when I cook something and proportion it out to myself. Behavior change is not the easiest, it just takes a lot of inner coaching :) Wish me luck....again.... :) My roommate is always amused at my continuous efforts to change and how I attempt to get people I know to some how assist me in the efforts. I just smiled as she said this and told her what my mother has always told me..."Your help is at the end of your elbows" 

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