21 March 2011

One Week

I've officially made it one week without soda. I'm very pleased with myself.
I ate 4 chocolate Hershey's kisses during work last night and I have to honestly say, it did not meet my taste buds' expectations. I even left the rest of the bag in the break room for my coworkers.

Also, I've decided for this weeks goal to continue increasing my water intake and establish a more efficient exercise routine. I am still working on the best time for me to exercise. I now have four free places to exercise: outside walking or jogging, an exercise room at both my workplace and where I pay rent, and I have a few videos in my apartment as well. I even bought the neatest exercise 2lb. wt. balls that are purple. I like them a lot :)

Overall, I am impressed with what I've accomplished this week. I managed to complete the above and spend time with one of my friends who is also reading up on no/low carb. diets and exercising. I'm trying to continue looking forward and fight the no soda fight!!!

Take care :)

Me :)

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